Our HL7 interfaces ensure compliance to regulatory standards set by the UK National Health Services (NHS)

Application Development

HL 7 Integration

We follow best practices of implementing the Version 2 Messaging Standard , as it is the most widely used across the world at the moment. It’s aim is to support hospital workflows. We use Fast Healthcare Interoperability Reources (FHIR) for programming real-time clinical information sharing, combined with JSON and XML.

User Interface Development

We use HL7 interoperability standards to interface disparate healthcare information technology, including lab and medical devices, Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Practice Management Systems (PMS), and billing software. We develop enterprise-wide interface engines to standardize communication between programs in the healthcare industry, such as hospitals, clinics, and labs, and to facilitate the systematic sharing of data within healthcare providers worldwide.

Across All Devices

We build bespoke desktop and mobile applications to display, parse, filter, and editing of HL7 messages. We design manual and automated HL7 testing software for validating messages and ensuring the reliability of network architectures developed around LLP, MLLP, HLLP, and TCP/IP protocols. We use these and other HL7 optimization tools to perform continuous maintenance and unit testing for improved healthcare integration.


Our HL7 interfaces ensure compliance to regulatory standards set by the UKNational Health Services (NHS), funded national healthcare system for England and one of the four National Health Services for each constituent country of the United Kingdom.

Customised Application Development

Building bespoke interface mockups by our designers. Can customised according to your needs to fully satisfy your criteria’s.

After which our artisan developers , will start building the back-end logic for the software.


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Arrange a video consultation with our developers, to discuss your project or application requirements.

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